


I love this album cover, it comes from a Fillmore West poster, where Santana was one of the bands on the bill for an August, 1968 series of concerts. (50 years ago!). And the music here is just awesome. Innovative when it was released, and still sounds great today. This is one of the albums I grew up listening to. It belonged to my mother. The percussion sound is very rhythmic, can’t help dancing to it. It still amazes me to see young kids enjoying this music today. Recently I saw some kids at a park in Rancho Bernardo (San Diego), they were listening to classic rock music, Jingo, from this album, started playing, and immediately they started dancing to it. Dancing, not banging their heads. The Instrumental “Soul Sacrifice” is just amazing. Santana, back then, was a band, today is Carlos' band. And prior to Supernatural this album, along with Abraxas, was the reference album. Recent releases of this album includes three tracks from Woodstock. Check the drum solo on "Soul Sacrifice" from it.

No Monkey

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