Wally Warning

No Monkey

No Monkey

I bought this CD in Oranjestad, Aruba, without knowing who the artist was. All I wanted was local music. The store clerk recommended Wally, and I loved it since day one after playing it on my laptop. The album tracks are sung in English, except for one song that’s in Spanish, and another one in Papiamento, Aruba's "defacto" dialect.

Coming from the Caribbean, you bet that Wally Warning’s genre is reggae music, very joyful, rhythmic and well structured. This is a CD recommended to be played especially at picnics, sunny days, and just about any happy and meaningful day. One song that stands out is "Foundation". It goes something like this: "The youth is the future of the nation, the foundation, the foundation, the foundation must be strong".

From The Fires

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