Led Zeppelin



In 1971 Led Zeppelin released one, in not the, the greatest rock album of all-time, Led Zeppelin's untitled IV album. A powerhouse from the legendary opening vocal intro of "Black Dog", to the final notes of the hypnotic Mississippi blues-infused "When the Levee Breaks". The album contains eight radio classics including "Rock And Roll", "The Battle Of Evermore", "Misty Mountain Hop", "Four Sticks", "Going To California", and, of course, the ultimate rock anthem, "Stairway To Heaven". Rare in a Led Zeppelin album, this one features two guests, they are Ian Steward, founding member of the Rolling Stones, playing keyboards on “Rock and Roll”. And Sandy Danny, from the Fair Port Convention, providing the female vocals to “The Battle of Evermore”. Hats off to Jimmy, Robert, John Paul, and John for creating a true work of art that stands the test of time.


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